Monokuma:we have someone new with us today!!
Celeste: ah yes another person fooled to be here
Leon: EAUGH.. talking to sayaka mazona
Sayaka:EAUGHHHH!!! talking to Leon kawata
makoto:oh uh hi!!
Aoi:hi! nice to meet you!
Kyoko:.. hello?
mondo:hey lil dude Fujisaki let’s go hang out!
LuminousRavine was a female with long white hair and red eyes. she wore a black skirt and purple hoodie hi everyone. I'm luminousRavine
Byakuya looked her up and down in disgust
Byakuya: “That’s a weird name..”
Aoi: “Byakuya don’t be rude!”
I am the new student named Sora Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all.
Byakuya: so you’re the new person who was stupid enough to fall into this killing game?
Leon: leave him alone Byakuya he just got here!
Kyoko: don’t mind Byakuya he’s just grumpy
Leon:aww look at him he’s scared!
Sayaka:yeah he looks like he’ll pass out!
Celeste:oh my god he’s shaking!
Monokuma:hehe~ he’s scared isn’t that cute?
I stretch and yawn as I enter the room.
Byakuya:oh another person…
Kyoko:great… sigh
Mondo:ayyyy what’s your name?
… I look around and get startled by Monokuma
monokuma looks at you with a smug smirk on his face
I look around at everyone uh…hello?
everyone looks at you, curious about the new person
I look around at the new faces
everyone else just looks at you
Byakuya: a new person I see..
I get up from where I was sitting and walk over to the desk
monokuma looks at you curiously, and everyone else looks at you with either curiosity or fear
Hello, my name is LuminousRavine, and I am at your service. I say as I take a seat in a chair and lean back.
everyone looks at you
Monokuma:oh? And why are you here?
hello? I'd turn to the other players who are you guys?
Kyoko:my name is Kyoko Kirigiri, I’m a former detective.
Aoi:my name is Aoi Asahina, I’m a kind and friendly girl.
Kiyotaka:my name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru, I’m the ultimate moral compass.
Sayaka:my name is Sayaka Maizono, I’m the ultimate traditional dancer.
Leon:my name is Leon Kuwata, I’m the ultimate baseball star.
Celeste:my name is Celeste eBullate, I’m the ultimate artist.
Fujisaki:my name is Mikan Tsumiki, I’m the ultimate medic.
Mondo:my name is Mondo Owada, I’m the ultimate baseball player and I’m also the class rep.
Hifumi:my name is Hifumi Yamada, I’m the ultimate writer and a feminine boy.
Mokoto:my name is Rantaro Amami, I’m the ultimate swordsman and a boy of few words.
Byakuya:my name is Byakuya Togami, I’m the ultimate-affluent-progeny and I’m also a student council president.
I watch from a cornered area
Byakuya: Hm? Who’s in the corner?
I'm a girl named Yukino. I have a scar on my right eye, my right eye is blind hello.
Monokuma:WOW that’s an interesting scar!
Celeste: how did you get that anyways?
I was confused on what was going on, but I decided to play along. Hi, I'm LuminousRavine, but you can call me Luna.
Byakuya: “a pretty unusual name”
Leond: “Luna? like the moon?”
Kyoko: “that’s a pretty name”
Aoi: “I like it!”
Mondo: “cool name!”
I am the new student and my name is luminescent and I am a girl and I am nice
monokuma gives you a visitor tag, and you head to your room
monokuma:good luck surviving! he says sarcastically